Pure maple syrup is a lost tradition, replaced by the cheapest, mass produced sweetener; high fructose corn syrup. Do not be deceived by the false advertising from the corn industry, this modern syrup derived from GMO corn is literally toxic to your body. But the health benefits of pure maple syrup are extensive! Maple syrup supplies minerals to your body like manganese and zinc that help strengthen your immune system. Maple syrup has anti-cancerous properties,. The darker, the better, so always choose Grade B.
No pancake should go with out a slab of butter, so be sure you're getting grass-fed, or pastured butter to ensure you're getting all the nutrients supplied by grass-fed milk. When cows are fed grass the milk contains heart healthy, anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids and the anti-cancerous compound CLA. Even better, if you can get your hands on some raw butter made by Organic Pastures then you'll get all of the enzymes and healthy bacteria present in raw milk. Their butter is one of my favorites, find it at your local health food stores or check your farmer's market.
3C organic buckwheat flour
4C water
1/2C blueberries
1/2T cinnamon
pinch of pure stevia powder*
2T aluminum-free baking powder
extra-virgin coconut oil
grass-fed butter
organic, grade B maple syrup
1. Mix flour and water in a large bowl, cover with a plate or towel and soak overnight.
2. In the morning, when you are ready to make your pancakes, stir and mix with mashed blueberries, cinnamon, a pinch of stevia and baking powder. *If you are using pure stevia powder be sure to only use a pinch as it is very sweet, taste your batter and add more as desired but start small.
3. Heat your hot plate to 400 degrees. Smother the plate with coconut oil and ladel batter onto pan. After a few minutes, flip and let cook a few more minutes on the other side.
4. Serve warm.

p.s. These can easily be frozen and then reheated in the toaster or oven! Talk about easy right? And who isn't looking for more easy n' healthy ideas!
Back in days I really had trouble making them but now I can say that I am also an expert in making pancakes. Loved your recipe and the ease in making it.