I have never been so blessed than by the families that I have worked with over the course of these last six years running Wholesome Practices. Getting to share the joy of your dreams coming true in conceiving, carrying and birthing your babies has been the greatest gift to me.

If you've been following my blog you know that this year has held a lot of changes for me, for all good reasons, and 2019 will only hold more. I have partnered up with Whitney Eves NTC in creating an online course-based platform that will host various 'packages' on specific topics with all the nutritional information you need. Of course we are starting Happy Healthy Littles with a Prenatal Package in the New Year, which will also have workouts by Beth Alexander, a pre and post natal fitness specialist. I could not be more thrilled to have created a way to give more women access to information regarding nutritional prenatal care.
Whitney and I have poured our hearts and souls into this Prenatal + Fitness Package and hope for many more packages to come in 2019. With the launch of this whole new venture I am no longer running Wholesome Practices as my private practice. But do not worry, I am still consulting and will still be available for those of you who have worked with me in these precious previous years. Not much changes there besides the name and the heart to reach woman on a much larger scale ;) This Wholesome Practices website will still run a blog with a new post here and there on what I am loving lately. I also invite you to follow the Happy Healthy Littles blog when it's launched.
I wish everyone the happiest and healthiest New Year, cheers to 2019 :)
p.s. please review my posts on
Cold Care if your families are coming down with everything that's going around right now!